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Rabbi Rich's 'ritings and editings

While director of the University at Buffalo Hillel, before she became our congregational rabbi, Rabbi Rich gave the following divrei Torah as a member of our congregation.





Lech L'cha          





Since becoming our congregational rabbi in 2023, Rabbi Rich's teachings have included:

Divrei Torah

10-13-2023 - Lurianic Creation -The Story for our World This Week

10-14-2023 - Bereshit-Shocked and Not Shocked


Source sheets for divrei Torah

11/4/2023 - Redeeming Captives

3/9/2024 - Status of Embryo

4/5/2024 - Blessing for Eclipse

5/25/2024 - If your brother ...

7/27/2024 - Crooked Inheritance

9/7/2024 - 3 Texts We Need to Hear This Week

9/27/2024 - Two Way Turn

10/11/2024 - Shaken, not Stolen

10/25/24 - Through Which Letter Will God Create the World?

1-18-2025 - Shemot - Bush Burns

1-24-2025 - Frogs Here, Frogs There



8/12/2024 source sheet: Internal Conflict and Tisha b'Av

10/4/2024 - "Shofar Moments," Rabbi Rich's sermon for Rosh Hashanah, day 2,  appears in Rabbi Menachem Creditor, ed., We Rise: An Anthology of High Holiday Sermons Delivered The Year After October 7

Study Sheets for Lunchtime Torah Express

11/7/2023 - Chayei Sarah

11/14/2023 - Toldot

11/28/2023 - Vayishlach

12/12/2023 - Miketz

12/19/2023 - Vayigosh

1/2/2024 - Shemot

1/9/2024 - Va'erah

1/16/2024 - Bo

1/23/2004 - B'shalach

1/30/2024 - Yitro

2/6/2024 - Mishpatim

2/13/2024 - Terumah

2/20/2024 - T'tzaveh

2/27/2024 - Ki Tissa

3/5/2024 - Vayakhel

3/19/2024 - Vayikra

3/26/2024 - Tzav

4/9/2024 - Tazria

4/16/2024 - Metzorah

5/7/2024 - K'doshim

5/14/2024 - Emor

5/21/2024 - Behar

6/4/2024 - B'midbar

6/11.2024 - Naso

6/18/2024 - Beha'alotcha

7/2/2024 - Korach

7/16/2024 - Balak

7/23/2024 - Pinchas

7/30/2024 - Matot

8/6/2024 - D'varim

8/13/2024 - Tisha b'Av

8/20/2024 - Eikev

9/3/2024 - Shoftim

9/10/2024 - Ki Teitzei

10/29/2024 - Noah

11/5/2024 - Lech L'cha

1Vayiga1/12/2024 - Vayera

11/19/2024 - Chayei Sarah

11/26/2024 - Toldot

12/17/2024 - Vayeishev

12/31/2024 - Vayigash

1/7/2025 - Vayechi

1/14/2025 - Shemot

1/21/2025 - Va'era

1/28/2025 - Bo

2/4/2025 - B'shalach

Essays in community publications


Jewish Thought of the Week - a guest column in the weekly bulletin of the Buffalo Jewish Federation


10/20/2023 - When We Saw the Rainbow

2/2/2024 - Hearing the Five Voices

8/2/2024 - Perils of Movie Night and Shepherding

11/29/2024 - Rebecca Asks Why

Articles in Buffalo Jewish Journal


"An Heiress to Sacred Leadership, May-June 2024, p. 38; reprinted as the Jewish Thought of the Week, 5/10/2024

Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785